ADAPT IT: Specialised Solutions Help Clients Achieve More

ADAPT IT: Specialised Solutions Help Clients Achieve More

A provider of leading specialised software and digitally-led business solutions, put simply, Adapt IT exists to assist clients across targeted industries to achieve more: customer experience, administration, resource planning and public service delivery are among those elements first in line for scrutiny, improvement and uplift.


A truly South African company to its core which operates as a standalone business within the Volaris Group, itself a subsidiary of Toronto Stock Exchange-listed Constellation Software (CSI), Adapt IT is a Level 1 B-BBEE contributor serving more than 10,000 customers globally, headquartered in Johannesburg and with further regional offices in Durban and Cape Town.

Adapt IT’s specialised software and digitally-led business solutions and advisory services provide large-scale overall improvements and high value-add across six key client sectors, namely in education, manufacturing, energy, enterprise performance management (EPM), telecommunications and hospitality industries. In each, adds the company, it has accrued deep sector knowledge and experience and delivered a proven track record of providing niche solutions and services.

“Since our 2008 JSE listing,” Adapt IT unpacks, “we have acquired multiple companies, enhanced our global footprint and solidified our software and solution offerings across focused industries.”


From reporting to business intelligence, improving core business operations is one top priority, alongside the likes of customer experience, business administration and support, enterprise resource planning and public service delivery. “There are additionally a number of products and solutions that are relevant to multiple industry sectors, further extending the company’s capability to add value to more clients,” Adapt IT declares. “Adapt IT has established a vast amount of expertise and experience that we are able to draw upon, helping our clients to progress.

“Our solutions are tailored to niche industry environments, offering expertise and in-depth solutions to complex problems facing our clients.”

For a long time, Adapt IT has lived by the belief that through diversifying its operations and services it can consistently gain greater strength and, in turn, sustainability. “We embrace and value the diversity of our cultures, skills, experience and individual contributions,” the company opens, and this commitment is further borne out at various levels in the organisation, in pillars such as skills, products, clients and even geographic considerations.

“Adapt IT categorises technology specialists as having international expertise, single market expertise, specialised skills, as consultants in specific fields or as technology experts in software skills,” it details, while continuous innovation in building new technologies and solutions for clients ensures that the solutions offered exceed expectations and deliver on Adapt IT’s value proposition. Client diversification is pursued through both sector diversification and software sales, the company explains, principally within the specifically targeted Pan African and Asia Pacific markets, where it has historically realised success.

“Remaining at the forefront of the latest technology trends is a key focus area for Adapt IT,” reasons CEO Tiffany Dunsdon. “Our cross-industry solution focus means that we constantly keep abreast of latest developments, and our Pan Africa and International market presence implies that we have a holistic view of the technology enhancements taking place throughout the market.”


Historically fundamental to diversification – arguably more than any other element –

has been the acquisition of businesses in new vertical industries with skills, products, clients and new geographies, “where these cannot be added rapidly through organic efforts,” Adapt IT adds. “These businesses typically have their own software IP and access to markets and enable enhanced cross selling.”

This appetite to expand its operations and offerings across Europe and Africa through mergers and acquisitions (M&A) remains as strong as ever, with the company currently engaged in live talks, at various stages with multiple targets, and on the lookout for further, Dunsdon told Mergermarket in April. She relayed that talks are progressing steadily, and Adapt IT hopes to deploy some capital on M&A before year end and expects more deals to follow next year and beyond.

“We wanted to continue, but this time it comes with the benefit of the global best practices and the depth of resources,” she said, as acquisitive growth continues to be a fundamental strategy and core to Adapt IT’s DNA following Volaris’ 2022 takeover, adding that Adapt IT would seek to replicate Volaris’ buy-and-hold model.

The company targets the bigger markets in Africa like South Africa, Kenya, Nigeria and Egypt as well as the Middle East, Dunsdon detailed, with no limit to the geographic or vertical niche that firm could consider – rather the focus is on the targets’ quality, software niches, specialisation and strength than their domain.

“We continuously disrupt our own products and solutions to ensure that our portfolio meets the needs of our clients,” Dunsdon concludes, as Adapt IT toasts its listing among South Africa’s favourite IT service providers for the country’s business decision-makers, according to MyBroadband’s latest pivotal corporate IT brand survey.

“We will continue to enhance our solution portfolio and ensure strategic alignment between the market needs and our offerings.”

Source: Enterprise Africa

Supported by: Fundi